Frame description

Words in this frame describe the motion of a Vehicle that is operated and controlled by a Driver. The Vehicle can also be construed as the Driver frame element, in which case the Driver is not mentioned, but only implied. 

Although not required, other frame elements can be used to express where the vehicle starts and stops (the Source is the starting point, and the Goal is the endpoint), and the Path it moves along, e.g. “durch die Wüste” (“through the desert”). Alternatively, the general Area where the motion takes place can be included, e.g. “kreuz und quer durch die ganze Umgebung” (“criss cross through the whole countryside”), especially if there is no specific Path to mention, or if the motion is too irregular to be construed a Path.


1. Die Pfarrerin lenkt das Auto über die Landstraße. 1. The (female) minister steers the car along the country road.
2. Ihr Fahrer musste nach einem Teil der Strecke umkehren, weil er mit dem falschen Bus losgefahren war. 2. Their driver had to turn back after a part of the distance because he drove off with the wrong bus.
3. Der Pilot konnte die Maschine mit zwei Passagieren an Bord am Dienstagmorgen auf dem Seitenstreifen einer Autobahn landen. 3. The pilot could land the machine with two passengers on board on a Tuesday morning on the shoulder of a highway.
4. So starten wir, ausgerüstet mit Skiern und Schneeschuhen, vom Parkplatz aus hinein in das Wildnisgebiet. 4. So we start, equipped with skis and snow shoes, from the parking lot into the wilderness area.

Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The Vehicle_part is part of the Vehicle.


The Vehicle is the device that Drivers and Passengers use for transportation.


The Driver is the being, typically human, that controls the Vehicle as it moves.



The Passenger is a being that is being moved by means of the Vehicle.


The Area is the place where the motion takes place when neither Source, Goal nor Path can be identified.


The Source is any expression which implies a starting-point of the motion.


The Goal is any expression which tells where the moving objects (Vehicle, Driver, and/or Passenger) end up as a result of the motion.


Any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal expresses the frame element Path.